[Non-spoiler] Wawaweewah! Sacha Baron Cohen Exposes American Culture Again in 2020!

This is a non-spoiler review of the second Borat movie so if you want to see my spoiler review or simply do not care if you get spoiled then click here:

If you want to watch the Borat movies click these links 


Borat Sequel:https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B08K497K97/ref=atv_hm_hom_1_c_ZWyNDQ_MGWeR7_1_1

Sacha Baron Cohen does it again as he exposes the American culture again in 2020 with his new movie, Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm. To those who do not know much about Sacha Baron Cohen or his Borat character allow me to explain. Borat Sagidyev is a Kazakhstan reporter that is sent to America to document and learn about it for his home country to benefit from it. 

In this sequel, Borat is sent to America to build a relationship between Kazakhstan and the United States. But Borat discovers that his 15-year-old daughter named Tutar played by 24-year-old Maria Bakalova has tagged along with him. 

What Sacha Baron Cohen does is expose the many issues in America with satirical jokes and dark humor. The movie is explicit and has offensive humor but it is important to remember that Borat is a character and that Sacha Baron Cohen does not actually believe in what he says in those films.

Now that we have the background information for the movie covered it is time to go into an explanation for my review.  It was a great movie to watch by myself as watching this with family would have been a little bit awkward.

The film does a great job of combining pressing issues here in America and with the raunchy yet meaningful jokes found in the work of Sacha Baron Cohen. I say raunchy as this movie is rated-R and is filled with many and when I say many, I really mean it, it is full of offensive jokes that really just cover the meaning behind what Sacha Baron Cohen is trying to expose in our American culture. 

I think it was about time the American culture needed to be exposed again in 2020. There have been too many conflicts that were completely unnecessary which was proven in this pandemic concerning the pandemic itself and social issues.

The movie dives deep into many topics like politics, religion, and feminism but also controversial issues such as abortion, sex trafficking, abuse of power, and simple racism. Issues that Sacha Baron Cohen ever so eloquently covers with his jokes as his character.

This year also really deserved a comical yet meaningful break. It was the perfect opportunity for Sacha Baron Cohen to make a movie for. It was something that was just needed as the dread of this pandemic constantly looms in our head.

It is a movie that should be enjoyed with company safely of course as we are in a pandemic. You could also watch with the family if you plan to play it safe and if you are bold. Here at The Torch, we do not have a rating system so I will just rate this a 4.5 out of 5 Bucky the Blazers.

Anthony Perez is a First-Timer Senior in the AT Torch Staff. He chose to take part in the Torch to improve as a writer and to get out of his comfort zone. He decided that was the best choice as he loves the work because he views it as challenging yet fun.