Spring Show Looking Strong After Previous Cancellation

It has been about a year since AT Theatre had to cancel its spring show, Fools, as Covid began to shape the world as we know it. A few months ago, there used to be talks of whether or not a spring show would go on, talks about whether or not AT Theater would have any shows in production. But luckily for AT Theatre, they were able to put on shows for the fall and winter season. It was successful as the fall show was virtual through the use of Zoom. The winter show was live on stage with actors wearing masks and following Covid guidelines. 

What this means is that the production of the spring show is strong as life slowly turns normal. Very slowly but not that slow.  It looks likely to continue as more and more students and people, in general, are acquiring the vaccination needed to help move to normalcy. 

The production of the spring show is important to those involved in the theater as it serves as a reminder of what was lost last year and more of a reason to keep on going, especially for the seniors that want to be involved in their last production after receiving a ´cruddy´ last year.  The show is especially needed as it helps give people a hearty laugh after a whole year of global despair.

The spring production is named An Evening of One Acts. The summary of the show is in the title. It is simply a series of comical stories that have one act. As cast member Antonio Bruno puts it,

¨The show is a series of five comedic separate one-acts. Some of them include an elderly lady welcoming us to the theatre, and a couple having a conversation, but are constantly being interrupted by a bell, forcing them to start their conversation over.¨

-Antonio Bruno, Cast Member

The style of this comedic show allows the audience separate shows rather than one show.

The way the show was picked came from the slight feeling hypothetical that the world could possibly go back to the beginning of when the pandemic started. Theater Director and Sponsor Anna McSweeney wanted a show that could be flexible if Covid turned to worse and a show that is funny as to give people a break.

¨As with all shows this year, I needed something that could be flexible in case we have to switch to remote, and something that allowed for the most participation with minimum students on stage.  I’ve chosen these five comedic short plays that will fit together nicely.  It’s also a bit nostalgic for me because I remember these shows from high school,¨

– Anna McSweeney, Theater Director

The way AT Theatre runs its shows smoothly is the turning of the gears that is the cast, technical crew, and production crew. If one fails to keep up with the pace of production, the show may not turn into a well-done final product. For students that are in charge of cast and crew, it is a bit stressful, especially in these times. But it is the stress and obstacles that make it feel worth it. Stage Manager Gabriela Mendoza has a similar feeling,

¨I am glad we still get to run the shows even though covid made the year extra tense. It adds a lot of stress but it also makes the end of the year feel more like normal¨

-Gabriela Mendoza, Stage Manager

But overall, the show must go on.

The production of An Evening of One Acts plans to run in these dates:

  • Friday, May 7 at 7 Pm 
  • Saturday, May 8th at 7 Pm

  Stay tuned for ticketing information coming soon.

An Evening of One Acts logo created by Kathy Klimt-Staller

Anthony Perez is a First-Timer Senior in the AT Torch Staff. He chose to take part in the Torch to improve as a writer and to get out of his comfort zone. He decided that was the best choice as he loves the work because he views it as challenging yet fun.