Highlights of the 2020 Senior Art Show

Watch the Senior Art show

It is AT Tradition to celebrate the arts. Every school year there are two shows, the Senior Art Show and the Spring Art Show. What I am focusing on in this article is the Senior art show. As someone who likes drawings and the many inspirations that inspire the artists here in AT  such as anime, it is nice to see one of the few specialties of AT that still can continue, not even a pandemic can stop an artist’s imagination. In this art show, there are many mediums and different interpretations of art. One of the most common ones were portraits of some sort of person drawn on either paper or on a digital. 

But there are other ways people showed off their imaginations and creativity, they can even share it through photography. Two art pieces that come to mind are Samantha Zaremba´s piece ¨Frozen Drip¨  and Stephanie Zamaniego´s piece ¨The Windy City.¨ I really like how no matter the size of an object, whether bet a water droplet or an entire city, you can find an artist’s interpretation through a Camera.  

As mentioned there are also art pieces that are drawn on paper. I enjoy how artists can use many different materials to transcribe their information onto paper. Some may use charcoal, pens, markers, colored pencils and even more materials. One that I enjoyed was Sara Walis´s piece ¨Bathtime¨ which is a colored pencil drawing of what I assume is her cat. It does a good job of detailing fur in her piece. Such textures such as fur or hair is a difficult item to add to art as the more detail you want the more difficult it is to add to it.

 Along with textures, backgrounds are usually hard to draw. Someone could spend a good few months learning how to draw proper anatomy and implement that into their unique art style. But one thing that is often overlooked is backgrounds, more specifically backgrounds of cities, buildings, or even nature itself.  

Juliza Bonilla has done a good job on making backgrounds for her pieces, ¨Trek in the Treetops¨ and ¨Monarch Migration,¨ Her two pieces are made through the use of watercolor and have a theme of nature. ¨Trek in the Treetops¨  features bridges that connect from tree to tree and her ¨Monarch Migrations¨ shows a girl with a Monarch Themed outfit sitting on a building with others nearby watching the migration of the Monarchs.

  Art can also be made through the use of many devices such as phones, tablets or even computers. 

Four art pieces that I liked was Isabel Griffin´s ¨Bitmoji¨, Liliana Avila´s ¨Paris¨ and Madison Muhr´s ¨The Light Beyond the Plants¨. I liked how Julia and Isabel were able to implement their own style of their own Snapchat avatar. It has more personality than what Snapchat gives.  Liliana´s piece, ¨Paris¨, has also a unique style. It portrays a French Woman in a red beret.  It has a classic fashion magazine style to it along with her only using 4 colors with shading.  Lastly, Madison Muhr´s ¨The Light Beyond the Plants¨, shows that you do not need a lot of colors to make art wonderful.  Her art is mainly gray but the use of lighting, adds to the piece.

Overall, I enjoyed the art that was seen in the presentation. To those I did not mention, I thought they were wonderful as well, being an artist I understand how it is not easy for everyone to draw or take a picture of it, but as long as the artists enjoy what they are doing the piece is well done. 

A gallery of Mentioned Works

Anthony Perez is a First-Timer Senior in the AT Torch Staff. He chose to take part in the Torch to improve as a writer and to get out of his comfort zone. He decided that was the best choice as he loves the work because he views it as challenging yet fun.