Senior Art Show Continues Despite Covid-19

Despite struggles with remote learning, AT students and staff were able to participate in the Senior Art Show this year through a video presentation.

In spite of Covid-19 forcing students to go into remote learning environments, AT staff was still able to put together an amazing Senior Art Show this year. Although in normal circumstances a gallery set-up would have been displayed in the north end of the Commons, this year students were able to showcase their artwork through a virtual video presentation that was made and loaded onto YouTube for public viewing. ¨All Seniors should have the opportunity to showcase their artistic efforts while earning the experience of having their work displayed in a show,¨ says Mr. Hockensmith who created the virtual video presentation including editing and compiling the artwork into the video.

“I think the senior art show is important because it gives seniors a chance to showcase their art during their last year of high school. It’s a really cool thing to be able to look back at once you graduate,” says Samantha Zaremba who submitted two pieces to the art show.

The show contained more than 30 pieces of art from almost 20 different artists. The show even had several different forms of art, from digital photography to color pencil, to charcoal and even digital art. The subject of pieces varied from digitally made bitmojis, to hand-drawn butterflies, and even a photograph of water droplets hitting the ground. 

¨The senior art show is always at the beginning of December before exams. Usually in person, on display in the commons. It is typically judged and also a “people’s choice” voting, but we decided not to judge it virtually,¨ says art teacher Mrs. Ramon who worked with Mr. Hockensmith in organizing the event. ¨Getting the word out and having people submit pics of their artwork was the biggest challenge this year. Also, pictures of artwork never really compare with experiencing the piece in person!¨ she continues.

Despite not being able to display their artwork in the school, students still had much enthusiasm for the event. Seniors like Sara Walis felt that the event “allows time to appreciate the seniors” while others called it the last hurrah for seniors.

Having been run for the last 15 plus years, the Senior Art Show is a testament to AT student’s and staff’s commitment to keeping long-standing traditions alive even during a global pandemic. “It’s hard knowing that our pieces won’t be put up on display in the commons this year. However, I don’t regret being in the senior art show because it’s a great opportunity for seniors to participate and be a part of something during their final year.” surmises Zaremba.