Popular student app “Remind” provides job opportunities for students

Lilyanna Hernandez
AT Journalism Student

Staff of the AT guidance department created what’s called a “job board” containing flyers for multiple different job opportunities. The board is accessible for all AT students and located in the guidance office. 

The guidance department and assistant principal at Addison Trail High School took initiative to offer students within the building multiple job opportunities via the popular teacher-to-student communication platform, Remind

Mr. Kevin Redding, Addison Trail’s director of guidance, sent out a student resource message to all AT classes, including the 2022 senior class, through Remind for the first time this school year the morning of Aug. 25th. The message directed students to a job flyer and also requested students to look for the job board in the guidance department for more options. 

That wasn’t the only message that was sent from the guidance department, though. Throughout the rest of August and continuing to this day, Mr. Redding alongside assistant principal, Mrs. Iridia Niewinski, both continue to group message students informing them about any job opportunities appropriate for students to pursue during the school year. 

As the pandemic lasted, unemployment had become a huge issue, leaving businesses more than understanding that schools could be a great opportunity to recruit people interested in working for them. “The jobs come directly from companies looking to recruit a number of workers and a lot of students are looking for jobs year round. We intend to help them find those jobs quicker and at their convenience,” said Redding. 

While the AT staff aren’t notified when a student applies to or gets a job within the companies and businesses that reach out, students that have looked into one of the job offers from the Remind messages tend to have similar positive experiences with those jobs. “I get to have my first job with my friends at school,” said Junior Nathan Jacinto, “and it is fun after I learned to do it all,” he exclaimed. 

Jacinto had taken the opportunity given by the school to get his first job, and he is proud that he took it. “It’s teaching me how to keep things clean because after working and cleaning, I want to pick up after myself so other people don’t have to work as hard when it’s their turn to clean,” he said in an interview. Jacinto had learned basic life skills throughout his time working so far, and he also has been having fun while doing so.

Jacinto explained how his junior year has been one of his best fresh starts as the resources and opportunities from the AT staff have been given to him. Niewinski agreed. 

“I’m so glad that these resources have been helpful for our students,” said Niewinski addressing the positive feedback from the job offers.