Lunch choir? Who knew?

Erica Novotny

AT Journalism Student

Lunch choir is a great way for everyone coming  back to school to get involved. It takes place during each lunch period once a week and everyone is welcome to come and try it out. Mr. 

Jeffrey Nellessen, the choir teacher said, “To open the doors and try to help people have fun at lunch.” 

Lunch choir is the first 10-12 minutes of your lunch period. Choir also partaking in singing there to encourage students to come meet new people while taking in the experience of lunch choir.

Being involved in lunch choir doesn’t mean you cannot be in any other clubs or activities. 

A lunch choir senior stated, “Being involved in lunch choir is just a way to make bonds with new people.” This newly made club gives the perfect opportunity for you to meet new people. Lunch choir performs with the choir at their concerts throughout the year as well. 

Many freshmen, and even some sophomores aren’t that involved with school being in a new atmosphere. Jake Lee, freshman in lunch choir stated, “Lunch choir is an amazing way to find out what choir is like and it will help you find out if you want to join.” With that being said it is  very encouraging to come see what it is like.

With saying that, it is also a good way for seniors to spend their last year trying out something new or wanting to know more about what it’s like to be involved musically. “I would definitely recommend it to anyone that is interested in singing.” Said by Fernando Padua, a senior involved in the lunch choir. There is no limit for how many people can join. Teachers themselves can join if they want to.

Lastly, when involved with lunch choir, nobody is better than anyone else. There are no solos or leads when you join. It is a fantastic way to try something new this upcoming year.