International Dance Plans To Continue Virtually!

In these unprecedented times, it is unfortunate that many recreational activities have been put on hold because of this pandemic. Especially here in Addison, there were many events canceled, including Rock n’ Wheels night.

Within AT,  many sports and clubs have either been put on hold or canceled. Although, there are some extracurricular activities that are able to continue although in a different format. One activity that is being highlighted is International Dance. 

In a normal school year, International Dance would function differently than in this year. Different dance groups would often practice in the cafeteria or whatever space AT provides. Groups would stay after school and put in the hard work needed for the show they would put on.

Not only is it just a dance, but there was also a technical side to it. There were people that had to work on music. A crew that would work on the lights. There was also a set that was needed to help aid the different dance. There also used to be a ¨Hell Week¨ where they would practice running the show for a good 1-2 weeks. Then before the big night, they would put on a show for the school during 7th or 8th period. 

But all that changed when this pandemic hit. There would be no cafeteria practices. There might be a crew to help run the show. There also might be a Hell Week. But there is one movement that cannot be stopped. That is the movement of dance. Although Covid may have thrown a wrench into their plans, it will not stop them. Different Leaders from different dances have expressed that it is going to change. It seems that Covid is just one obstacle that is not impossible to overcome. 

Hip-Hop co-leader Stephanie Serna has expressed that while Covid is a disadvantage it will not stop her from leading in her last year as a senior, 

¨ I love going to practices, practicing on my own, making dances, spending time with friends. But I especially love performing. I am sad that I can’t perform on stage this year, considering it is my last year, but that doesn’t mean I won’t have any fun. ¨

-Senior co-leader Hip Hop, Stephanie Serna

But while Covid may just be an obstacle for the experienced leaders, it could be deemed a challenge for the new leader with their new dances. One issue that seems to be found is that some dances require partners and that some of the dances are based on that aspect, Junior Polish Dance co-leader Sara Bojczuk has stated that with these changes needed it requires change within her dance

 ¨COVID has definitely impacted my ideas and plans I had for my dance. Unfortunately, partner dancing is out of the question, so it is requiring a lot of thought to come up with an accurate traditional dance.¨

-Junior Polish Dance co-leader Sara Bojczuk

  Not only does Covid impact the dance it also impacts the feel of the dance, Senior Bulgarian Dance leader, but Petya Haralanova has also felt that with zoom it lacks the feeling of the dance,

 ¨Yes! Like I said I want people to feel our presence, our fire. I want us to be confident and free but a zoom format is just… Literally putting us in a box.¨  

-Senior Bulgarian Dance Leader Petya Haralanova

Covid definitely puts pressure on experienced leaders and newly implemented dance leaders on ways to put on a show. 

Covid interrupting the normal balance of life is certainly no one’s plan, but it is not stopping those leaders in international dance. Even with this pandemic, they will continue to put on a show. They will continue to practice and put in their effort. Lastly, they will have fun with their dances. International Dance plans to run on November 20th virtually as because of the recent increase of Covid cases in Dupage. 

Anthony Perez is a First-Timer Senior in the AT Torch Staff. He chose to take part in the Torch to improve as a writer and to get out of his comfort zone. He decided that was the best choice as he loves the work because he views it as challenging yet fun.