Football completes season unable to convert successes into win

By Emily Bieberstein 

The AT varsity football team has finished their season after overcoming many obstacles.

The team worked hard over the course of their past season to make the most of it. 

A hardship for the team was the lack of an off season, after Covid had messed with the season’s schedule, moving it into the spring for the 2020 season.

Then they had the fall season for 2021 that started in August with summer practice in between. 

As the season went on there were more obstacles that made it hard for the team, such as having less people on the team than usual. Having a smaller team made it so that many of the guys were put into positions that were different from ones they have ever played before, forcing them to have to adapt to new positions throughout the season. 

The placement of players into new positions was hard on them individually because it led to injuries for some of the players. 

Though all of  this had an effect on the team it made them work harder toward their goals as the season carried on. 

“There was a period of time especially as we were going through and it was the grind of it that you felt the length of the season, but a lot of people also really began to appreciate the opportunities that we have, especially after last year knowing that those opportunities could be taken away,” said varsity football coach Chris Bazant. 

Though the team didn’t have their best season, they are working hard both individually and as a team to make a change for upcoming seasons. 

“It’s tough when you’re losing, it’s tough to change that narrative but we need everybody. The change is there if we’re willing to change we can make changes to that win loss column, if we’re not willing to change we’re looking at the same results,” said Bazant.

Throughout the 9 game season they played 5 home games and 4 away games. 

The team scored 9 touchdowns throughout the season, 2 rushing touchdowns and 7 receiving touchdowns.

They totaled 60 points throughout the whole season. 

On the offensive side the team totaled up 170 attempted passes over 938 yards, 221 carries in rushing, and overall 86 receiving receptions. 

On the defensive end the team accumulated 3 interceptions caught over a total of 55 yards. 

The support for the team by the students and teachers helped to pick up the team’s energy towards the end of their season, and they hope to continue to have school support and spirit in their future seasons. 

The positive attitude held by the players and coaches helped them to grow and learn as a team throughout the course of the season and they are looking towards the future with excitement.