AT Navigates Challenging Year with New Principal

AT started off the return to school for the 2021-2022 school year with new principal Jack Andrews, a former AT student from the class of 2011.

Andrews entered the role of principal of AT after working as a special education teacher as well as the transitions department chair within the district in previous years. 

Andrews has been principal for a little over a month and is working towards the goals he has for the school and its students. 

As a student of AT, Andrews was involved in many activities including student council and best buddies as well as many sports including football and volleyball. Andrews is encouraging students to get involved as well. 

“I am looking forward to creating opportunities for students to get involved academically, in activities, and in sports,” said Andrews. 

He is working as well to get students to go to events and join clubs. 

“Empowering students and teachers to be able to run clubs they’ve always wanted to try, hosting different events, and really just giving power back to the students and teachers are some goals of mine,” said Andrews.

At the age of 28 years old, Andrews has held many head positions throughout different education departments. He accredited these accomplishments to several things.

“Learning the education, intelligence, and work ethic of those I’ve worked under, for, and alongside, have really brought me here,” he said.

Always wanting to give back to the community and be a part of AT’s community again was what really drove Andrews to want to be principal after an opening appeared a few months ago. 

He looks at the title of principal as being an opportunity for him to be a part of a school community.

He shared insight into the job of principal. 

“This job is everything and more,” said Andrews. 

He has been in the community for different events but there are also things that the principal has been doing that aren’t routine parts of the job. 

Andrews has always been a part of the Addison community not only as a student at AT but also from jobs he’s had in the community. Besides his many occupations throughout District 88, he also worked at the Addison ice rink and pool when he was a teenager. 

He was once in the shoes of many students just ten years ago and is now working with many of the teachers who were his teacher at the time. 

He moved up in the district from being a colleague and now a boss. He said that it doesn’t feel weird and the slow move up has really helped in building a professional relationship with the staff with which he works on a daily basis.

He mentions that “staying connected” with the staff, students, and the community has been the biggest thing that has helped him get to where he is now.

Andrews has also gone back to advance his own education having earned a master’s degree and he is currently enrolled in a doctorate program at NIU, which has helped him to enrich his skill set.  

He is looking forward to working with students again and is adamant to keep the school safe with still keeping events moving forward over the year.