AT Introduces Competitive Dance squad

AT Introduced the competitive dance team this year as a new activity for students after limited involvement in activities from the remote setting last year. 

AT teachers and Blazette coaches Enza Spliotro and Melissa Morales came up with the idea to start a competitive dance team many years ago, but the idea was just recently put into motion. 

They thought that now would be the perfect time to introduce the sport so there would be something new for students to join after the lack of student involvement in different clubs and activities as a result of Covid over the past year and a half. 

“We thought after such a devastating year of remote learning and lack of student involvement, we knew that this was the time to make sure we included all potential students to join something new and get involved, we knew that this was the time to make sure we included all potential students to join something new and get involved,” said competitive dance team coach Splitotro. 

The team is currently working on learning dances to the songs  “Dangerous Woman” and “Into You” by Ariana Grande as well as “Dancing Queen” by Abba for their routine. 

The team likes to keep the dances very upbeat and fun including genres like pop and hip-hop and the dances themselves include lots of sharp movements, specifically in the legs and arms.

The season is fairly short since it began at the end of October and lasts until January . where the team will compete in two competitions one on Jan. 9, 2022 and one on Jan. 22, 2022 which is the IHSA sectionals. 

Over the course of the season the team has been working hard and diligently to achieve their many goals both individually and as a group. 

“Our goal is to build a team that is hard-working and dedicated to the time spent in learning and perfecting a competition routine. Our main goal is to compete and build our talent,” said Spliotro. 

“Some goals I have are to hit my moves and make them all bigger and just overall being cleaner in the routine. A goal as a team is to work together and bring that energy in the routine,” said junior Eva DeLaRosa.

Over the past month that they have had practices the dancers have created an environment that is very positive and welcoming, where they can work together to make each other better. 

“Some of my favorite parts of competitive dance are that there’s girls coming from all different levels of dance so we’re all able to help each other out with different parts of the routine and it feels so welcoming,” said DeLaRosa.

For some of their practices the dancers work with Dalein who is their choreographer and he is helping them prepare for their competitions. Other days the dancers work individually so they can break down the dances and perfect the moves and their techniques. 

The dancers are working hard to have a great first season and make their way to competition with a strong routine.

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