AT coat drive warms community in need

AT ran the annual coat drive from Nov. 1 to Nov. 29 to collect coats and other winter apparel to help those in need. 

Over the month of November the coat drive ran and in the end a total of 157 items were donated. Divided up 80 coats, 2 snow pants, 35 scarves, 34 hats, and 6 pairs of gloves were donated by AT students. 

The coat drive has always run in November throughout in time for the winter and holiday season. This year the coat drive was put together by Robert Schader, but many different clubs have sponsored the coat drive in previous years. 

The main reasons for the coat drive are to help those in need and make an impact on the community of Addison.  

“The goal is to help the community that is in need this holiday season. This will help many people in our community in a positive way,” said Schader. 

Schader worked with the administration to start the coat drive many years ago after thinking of a way to help the community around the holidays. 

As it starts to get cold during the start of winter in December there are many people who are in need of items like coats, hats, gloves, and scarves. The donations from the coat drive helps to make sure that people have those types of clothing items when they need them. 

The items donated to the coat drive go to The Henry Hyde Center which is located on Michael Lane in Addison. They have donated many items to the center over the years.

The Henry Hyde Center was opened in 2007 and is a resource center for those in Addison with the goal of providing services needed within the community.

AT decided to start donating the coats to The Henry Hyde Center because they do a lot for the Addison community. 

Resources provided to the community by The Henry Hyde Center include different types of classes for both children and adults, after school programs, and special events to help throughout Addison and other towns. 

“We have periodically donated clothing items and coats to the Henry Hyde Center.  They are a very important part of our community,” said Schader.

After the coats are given to the Henry Hyde Center they are handed out to people within Addison who are in need of coats or other winter clothing items and can’t afford them.