Addison Trail takes Its First Step Into Hyrbid Soon

It has been almost a full year since the world has gone on lockdown and made life change with this pandemic. A full year since we have developed a vaccine to distribute. A full year of online learning. But that is about to change as the school board has decided to enact a hybrid mode for schools in District 88. It is the first step to normalcy.

Our teachers in AT had the ability to learn new technology on the March 1st planning day. That day allowed teachers to understand and plan out their class and its work. Teachers will teach both online students and in-person students simultaneously. Andrew Mitchell, the technological counselor of AT, has stated that teachers in their classrooms will have an extra laptop to help manage activities for students in or out of the classroom. Teachers could request an extra monitor for additional aid with zoom screens or teaching slides. There are many more tools that are readily available for teachers such as microphones, cameras, and a USB hub. 

Teachers are also slowly coming back to classrooms as they are given permission to come into the classrooms and prepare to teach both online and in-person classrooms. But nearly all the AT faculty will be in the classroom starting March 15. It is a little sad for our teachers as they no longer have the advantage of access to their household luxuries such as easy access to a bowl of cereal.

Students on the other hand, will start to go back to school starting on the 22nd of March. This is not an exact number nor a professional number but it seems half of the student population will choose to stay online while the other half will go to hybrid for two days of the school week. The schedule will go as stated

 “Students with last name starting with A-K that have chosen to be a part of hybrid learning will attend their classes in person on Mondays and Tuesdays, while everyone else will attend class through Zoom from home.  Students with last name starting with L-Z that have chosen to be a part of hybrid learning will attend their classes in person on Thursdays and Fridays, while everyone else will attend class through Zoom from home.  Everyone will attend classes through Zoom on Wednesdays.”

– Andrew Mitchell, Technological Advisor and AP Calc.Teacher

  This is the first step to attaining a normal school year but to be truthful this school year and perhaps the next school year will not be the same level of normal we once used to have. 

Anthony Perez is a First-Timer Senior in the AT Torch Staff. He chose to take part in the Torch to improve as a writer and to get out of his comfort zone. He decided that was the best choice as he loves the work because he views it as challenging yet fun.