Traditional event known as ‘Powderpuff’ rebranded

As one of the many changes to homecoming this year, AT rewrote the American mainstay tradition of Powderpuff as ‘Blazer Bowl’ in favor of destructing misogyny depicted by the name. While the progressive change is deemed by many as necessary, AT houses a plethora of perspectives.

Across the nation, American high schools prepare for a Powderpuff game, consisting of women partaking in football, a male-dominated sport. In recent years, the game has become a subject of controversy due to its mocking nature of women being unathletic in comparison to men. 

In some high schools, the tradition of Powderpuff has been completely eradicated. At AT, the Student Council chose to rename the tradition in favor of eradicating the misogyny rooted in Powderpuff’s name.

English teacher and Student Council sponsor James Perusich understood the misogyny rooted in the name ‘Powderpuff.’ When the sponsorship of Student Council changed along with the political climate at AT, he took the opportunity to rename.

“A lot of schools will look at how they’re starting to do things and if they’re fluid enough to accommodate people with alternative lifestyles, so one of the things that happens there is you prescribing gender expectations to girls or guys. So, me telling you it’s powderpuff is not quite as real as when boys do it — so a lighter, more water down version of it,” said Perusich.

While the change has been implemented, the name Powderpuff is still rooted in the minds of AT students. 

“I think people are confused by the change from Powderpuff to Blazer Bowl,” said senior Atziri Valbuena.

 Many students voice indifference toward the renaming, emphasizing that their love for the tradition does not change with the name.

“I think it’s just a great thing that we’re having the game,” said social studies teacher Ryan Peronto.

“Honestly, I don’t think it makes that much of a difference. I would like for the tradition of powderpuff to live on, but things change,” said senior player Julia Lopresto.

Some, especially traditionalists, voiced their discontent with Blazer Bowl.

“As a Blazer who still Bleeds Blazer Blue, I love to keep traditions going. Some of the traditions students do today date back to when I was walking the halls of ATHS. Getting rid of Powderpuff gets rid of traditions that have been here for over 50 years. I love traditions.We can learn from them and connect the past with the present. An educated society knows where it comes from, they learn from the past,” said social studies teacher Levonne Cescolini-Boyer.

“I understand the reasoning and the misogyny behind the change, but it’s been known and trademarked as Powderpuff for so long that it doesn’t make sense to change it,” said senior Mia Giometti.

“I think it’s useless because people weren’t actually offended by the name Powderpuff,” said senior Celeste Gutierrez.

While the name change depicts our society’s transitioning of values, it stirs controversy as the mainstay American tradition Powderpuff passes the ball to Blazer Bowl at AT.