Custodian Steve Orlando retires

As AT’s 2021-2022 school year welcomes its end, AT officially says goodbye to a recent janitorial retiree, and former hall monitor, who left AT a couple months ago for a knee surgery.

Many may not realize just how much work is being put in by the maintenance. 

AT custodian Steve Orlando began his janitorial career at AT in 1989, but his time as a Blazer began long before when he roamed the halls as a hall monitor in years prior. 

Orlando has not been present at AT due to a recent knee surgery and his need for recovery, but his legacy prevails throughout the building with his co-workers and the Building & Grounds department. 

Janitor Jim LaRosa has worked with Orlando for years, and he recalls what Orlando brought to AT in terms of his character and work in the building.

LaRosa refers to the qualities that made him an outstanding employee.

“He was a great worker, and I miss him a lot. He ran the show pretty well. He’s a great maintenance guy who has done a great job over the years, gonna miss him a lot,” LaRosa said.

Hall monitor Dave adds to how Orlando was a dependable man who will be missed from the halls of AT.

“He was dependable. When you needed something, Steve would always help out and just an overall great guy, really nice,” he said.

LaRosa mentions his schedule and the various positions Orlando held at AT.

“He was a hall monitor when he first started here, and a boss too once he became a custodian. He usually worked the second shift here.”

The Buildings & Grounds department wishes Orlando a strong recovery and all the best with his retirement.