Custodian Frank Stawiarski retires

This year, AT wishes goodbye to a custodian of 12 years and Willowbrook alum. 

Frank Stawiarski started off as a temp, but he has worked at AT for 12 years now. “I started off as a temp, worked here for 12 years. I work from 3-11pm, second shift,” said Stawiarski.

Stawiarskis daily work consists of fixing air conditioning, taking down setups, fixing plumbing problems, and changing out compressors.

He mentions that he will miss the people that he has met at AT, especially the other custodians on the second shift. Stawiarski also says that this is the best year for him as a custodian because he didn’t have to spread mulch.

“First year, I remember I had to spread mulch around. This year [was my favorite year], best year, I didn’t have to spread mulch,” said Stawiarski.

Stawiarski describes how he will not miss the football games, where he needed to set up cones and seating and everything across the field.

“We took down all the football games. Two hundred chairs, and I’ll never forget, a couple days ago, in the field house—500 chairs,” said Stawiarski.

His least favorite memory at AT is setting up for senior graduation, and the graduation ceremony for this year’s graduating class will be his last.

“We set up all the chairs, put up risers, and set up the stage. I won’t miss that,” said Stawiarski.

Stawiarski’s boss, Tom Hayden, shares positive words regarding Stawiarski and his time at AT. “Frank is awesome. I’m gonna miss him. He’s a caring guy, helps everyone, good guy,” said Hayden.

Following his retirement, Stawiarski plans to spend time at home, stay active, fish, and see football games.

“I plan to hang around the house—whatever comes up. Maybe I’ll fish here and there, and stay active. I might see a football game because I never have before,” said Stawiarski.

Stawiarski will officially retire from AT this June at the age of 68 after 12 years of service to AT, and after over 16 years with District 88 at both Willowbrook and AT.