Soccer season bounces back after Covid battles

As AT moves into the spring sports season, the girls soccer team begins its practices and working towards upcoming games.
The girls soccer season started on Feb. 28 and will have their first game on March 15 against Glenbrook South.
They are working towards their goals of working hard to be the best they can for their upcoming season.
“Our goals for the soccer program this year are to compete in every game, improve as a team, increase involvement and have fun,” said varsity girls soccer coach Sergio Nunez.
Though the team has experienced a slight drop in numbers due to Covid last year, they have had a lot more enrollment in the sport this year allowing them to have a total of four teams this year, a freshman team, sophomore team, junior varsity team, and varsity team. This is a large increase from last year when they were only able to have one team, that being a varsity team.
The team is excited to play for the season and is looking forward to competing in games.
“Feelings are positive and optimistic, we have smart, talented, athletic females ready to compete and challenge for wins and our outlook for the future is seeing our soccer athletes compete, being outside and having fun, a conference trophy would be great,” said Nunez.
The team is happy to be playing together again and to move forward with the season.
“I am looking forward to playing with my friend again, and hope to be better this season than last season. I am also working this season to become a better runner because once Covid hit I wasn’t able to play with my club team so I am not as great at running as I was before Covid,” said junior Luz Hernandez.
With the mask mandate being lifted many do the players are happy to not have to wear them during practices and games.
“I’m really glad at the fact that we don’t have to wear masks during our games anymore, last season it was really hard to breathe through them,” said Hernandez.
The team got new uniforms a few years ago but due to covid this will be the first year they will be used. The players are looking forward to being able to use these new uniforms and like them better than the ones that they have had to use in previous years.
This is also the first year there has been the option for players to purchase AT soccer gear and merchandise from an online shop which was something that wasn’t available to the girls in the past.
All of the players are excited to be back on the field and playing with their teammates again.
“I’m really excited now that the season just started, i haven’t played in a while so it’s really nice to be back on the field with my teammates, and it also keeps me busy throughout the week so now i have something to do, though I am sad that there are many seniors from last year that won’t be playing this season,” said Hernandez.
The team is working hard to improve individually and as a team from what they did last season.