AT celebrates heritage of nearly two-thirds of school population

Feature Editor, Maria Zapata
Every year, AT celebrates Hispanic Heritage month; this year it’s no different. 64.7% of the student body at Addison Trail identifies as Hispanic. That means that two-thirds of our population is Hispanic.
Like any other culture, Hispanic Heritage gets its own month. “It’s important to honor the cultures, histories, and traditions of Hispanic Americans,” Mrs. Vogt said.
The celebrations begin on Sept. 15 and end on Oct. 15. Thirty days of celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
Hispanic Heritage month falls during September and October because it falls amidst many Hispanic countries’ independence days. “There is a lot to honor and celebrate all year long, but one month of the year is dedicated to Hispanic Heritage nationally,” added Mrs. Vogt.
Activities going on during the month include a variety of activities from decorations, lesson plans in classes, games, trivia, elote sales, t-shirts, window painting, and staff/students sharing their Hispanic Heritage stories.
Throughout the month there were different interviews for AT NEWS. “It was really important for us to promote Hispanic Heritage month because we want to make sure that all of the students are feeling included throughout the school,” said Mr. Schader.
AT NEWS also shared student experiences by adding student shout-outs in the news. “Anthony said one of the best traditions of my country, from my point of view, would be the day of the dead. This is one of my favorite celebrations because I enjoy making the altar for my family members to remember good times and remember how important family is. Thank you so much for sharing, Anthony,” Jack Didomenic announced.
H.O.L.A meetings were also pushed more to get all of the students involved. Mr. Fernandez hosted at least 2 meetings during the month to inform students across campus.
The goal for the month is to teach about, celebrate, and honor Hispanic Culture. Students seemed eager and excited to learn more about the month. Mrs. Sychta ended with, “We would love to see even more student involvement in both the planning and festivities next year!”