The Holidays and Toys for Tots

The holidays are rapidly approaching, which means a well-deserved break for students and faculty. This also means that it’s time for Toys for Tots! 

Toys for Tots is a drive dedicated to any families or children in need for Tots is a drive dedicated to any families or children in need, where participants can gift these children with toys. 

Participating in a toy drive such as this one can make an enormous difference in someone’s holiday, and utilizing this ability to spread kindness can help make our community a better place. 

This event is very important for our community, as it helps to bring joy and holiday cheer to many families. This is also an excellent way for individuals to give back to the community and help families in need. The drive will be handled a bit differently this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. 

DECA and BPA, two of AT’s business-related student organizations, have always assisted with the toy collection process. 

Both of these organizations are run by Jeff Laschinski and Joseph  Mahoney. “This year it is a little different,” Mahoney said. 

“We are given a certain amount of needy children from the Addison Township, and we simply ask a teacher, staff member, club, or sports team to sponsor a child.  This year we were still able to do that, just on a slightly smaller scale.” 

Clubs, teachers, and sports can choose to participate too by sponsoring a child in need. Normally students would be able to help collect these toys in school, and they were even able to wrap these gifts. 

Now with restrictions, this process has become a little different. This year, anyone interested in participating can drop off toys by door 1 at Addison Trail, or they can drop them off directly at the Addison Township building. 

This is a great opportunity for students to give back to families in the community, and to be more involved.

“This is one of those events where people enjoy giving what they can and it brings joy not only to the child and his or her family, but to the person sponsoring the child as well,” Mahoney said. 

Toys for Tots is just one of Addison Trail’s many organized events that are utilized to help make an impact on the lives of its surrounding community, especially in a time like this where many more families may be finding themselves in a hard place. 

  “2020 has been pretty grim. Life’s been tough on many people, and some have had it worse than others,” Mahoney said. 

“So, when the opportunity to keep Toys for Tots up and running presents itself, it usually brings joy and happiness to many people, and it comes at a good time.” 

Mahoney also recognized the hard work and generosity of the Addison Trail faculty. 

“We have very generous teachers and staff at Addison Trail High School, who are willing to help out in ways that sometimes don’t offer too much recognition in return,” he said. 

Be sure to give back by participating in this toy drive, and to always be thankful for those around you.