AT Theatre’s Upcoming Musical

After this year’s virtual fall play was a success, the members of theatre are very excited for the upcoming musical. This year’s musical is called The Addams Family Quarantined: A Dramatic Concert Version.

This musical will be an adaptation of the 1960’s television series about the family. The storyline will follow the Addams family as they prepare to meet Wednesday’s new boyfriend and his family.  

Normally, there would be a separation between the singing and dancing auditions, but this year the virtual aspect changes that. 

The audition process for this musical was obviously very different being virtual, so any students that were interested had to record a video that showcased their singing, dancing, and acting skills. 

Anna McSweeney described the positives that could come out of holding these auditions virtually.“I am hoping that by having students upload a video, some of the pressure is taken away from tradition auditions.” 

Although the beginning of this process will begin virtually, everyone is hoping to be able to be onstage soon, as described by McSweeney.

 “I think one of the concerns is that we have to keep our cast smaller in hopes that in February we can actually perform on stage,” she said.  

“That’s the goal, and we need to keep our numbers low to be able to do that.” 

Senior Emily Stevenson expressed her excitement for the show. “ I am super excited that I was cast as Pugsley Addams in the musical,” she said. 

“Although we can’t be in person yet, I know our cast will still form a special bond and I am looking forward to all of the memories we will make together.”

 Although it’s exciting that there will be a musical this year, the virtual aspect of it can be pretty disappointing to everyone that is used to the traditional process, especially to seniors. 

Stage manager Gabriela Mendoza touched on this topic when thinking back on the positives and negatives of being a part of a virtual show.

 “Accepting that this year’s musical is going to be so different was definitely a hard pill to swallow because it’s my last big show before I graduate, and I didn’t want to lose any of our usual traditions,” Mendoza said. 

There is nothing anyone can do about the drastic changes this year, but the best thing everyone can do is keep up a positive attitude. 

“Now I think I’m more excited as the audition process has started because I’m just grateful to get to have any show at all,” Mendoza said. 

 “I know that if we all go in with a good attitude it will be fun whether we’re able to be in person or not.” 

In addition to that, there are definitely positive aspects to being able to have the musical, especially for those who are really missing the opportunity to have social interactions with people who share the same interests and passions. “My favorite part about theatre is the warm, inviting environment the people bring.” Mendoza said.

“Even when we’re just sitting on zoom talking I’m having fun and I get to be doing something I love.”

The members of theatre have clearly planned out this show thoroughly and will execute it the best they possibly can.

Be sure to be on the lookout for the musical’s opening night date because you will not want to miss the opportunity to watch this group of hardworking and dedicated individuals.