The 2020-2021 Illinois high school basketball season postponed due to Covid-19

Many high school boys and girls in the state of Illinois are anxiously awaiting the IHSA board to give high school basketball the green light for the season to start up. Around this time of year, high school teams should be preparing to get their teams ready to play. But with Covid-19 cases rising in the state of Illinois, the season is currently being postponed until further notice. 

The main focus for the IHSA board is to make sure that all players and coaches are safe. As of Nov. 10, high school basketball teams are not allowed to run any contact drills, practices or games. With this time of year being what should be the start of the season, it is looking more than likely that we will not be watching winter basketball this year. 

If the IHSA gives the go, the season will most likely take place during the spring, a time when many multi-sport athletes would usually be transitioning from basketball season to baseball season. With that being said, baseball would be moved to the summer so those multi-sport athletes, especially senior athletes, would not miss their basketball and baseball season. Unfortunately, for football and basketball players, football was also moved to the spring. This leaves many other multi-sport athletes who play both football and basketball in a tough place to make the decision on whether they will play football or basketball this year. 

In late October, the IHSA announced that the 2020 basketball season would continue to be postponed. But after rethinking their decision, they would go on to announce that the season would go as planned and would start on Nov.16. Sadly, the high school basketball season was potentially put on hold on Oct. 27, when Governor Pritzker announced that IDPH had changed basketball’s risk level from medium risk to high risk. 

In the state of Illinois, Covid-19 cases are flying up at a rapid pace. Governor Pritzker not only postponed winter sports to a later date, but he also advised all families to try to stay in their own homes this upcoming thanksgiving. Following that statement made by the governor, it doesn’t look like basketball in the state of Illinois will be starting anytime soon. 

Although many athletes around the state of Illinois don’t like the fact that their sports season has been postponed, it may not be as bad as it seems. During this extra free time that student-athletes now have, they can focus more on their school work, where many students have claimed that having to do school over Zoom is more challenging than in-person learning. Also, students can spend more time being with their families as well as getting a job and making money. 

During this pandemic, it is important that everyone looks out for the safety of themselves and their loved ones. Right now, the safety of everyone’s health is more important than basketball and it is going to be that way for the foreseeable future.