Orchesis puts on a ‘divine’ show

After a lot of hard work and dedication, Orchesis will perform their show, themed “Divine Movement, tonight. The music will vary greatly, from jazz, contemporary, hip hop, and even ballet. 

This will be the last performance of the three Orchesis presidents this year, Ava Colella, Aiste Siupienius, and Miabella DiGrazia. 

“This is my last show at Addison Trail. I am very excited to be able to take the stage one last time with this team. The friendships I have made are ones I will cherish forever and I am so proud of everyone on the team,” said DiGrazia.

This time of the year is an emotional time for the senior members of AT’s clubs.

“Yes, this will be my last performance for Orchesis and I can’t believe it. I’ve been on this team for 4 years and I’ve made so many friends and memories because of it. People call us the sorority of AT and it really is true. These girls are my sisters. They’ve seen me at my best and worst and ATO will be a part of me forever,” said Colella.

Despite how upsetting it may be to have to take a step back, everyone will be left with great memories of what they went through together. 

“This will be my last Orchesis show before I graduate. I just want to say how fun Orchesis has been. No matter what, we always come together and laugh, dance, and genuinely have a good time. I’m going to miss it very much,” said Siupienius.

Leading up to this show, Orchesis put forth their all in preparation, with long hours and dedication.

“These past couple months have been full of preparation. We met outside of our schedules to create dances that we are very proud to present on stage,” said Siupienius. “The last two weeks leading up to the show we are at school until 9 or 10 pm everyday, practicing, lighting dances, and running the whole show. Definitely working the hardest to put the best show on.”

Members of Orchesis pose in sparkly red outfits. The Orchesis presidents took part in the event decisions, such as costumes, theme, music, dance, etc. Courtesy of Dupage88.net

Actual blood, sweat, and tears resulted this season.

“Whenever I think about show season, I am automatically reminded of last year when girls were breaking things left and right. We had broken props, ankles, toes, and even a table: my fault. Everyone involved in this show puts so much blood, sweat, and tears into it and we’re very anxious for people to see it,” said Colella.

Not only does Orchesis have extremely hard-working members, it also has an experienced teacher guiding them.

“This is my thirty-first year directing the show – I was also in Orchesis as a student – so that is a lot of orchesis shows,” said Orchesis director, LeVonne Cescolini-Boyer.

The Orchesis presidents decided the theme, as well as the majority of the behind-the-scenes of the event.

“We created the theme, picked out the show color, picked out the merch we wanted, created intro, created escorts aka second intro, and created the finale. We have a lot of creative responsibility for the entire show,” said DiGrazia.

All of the presidents will be performing a solo of their choice. 

“I will be performing my solo to a dance to the song Slave 4 U by Britney Spears. The style is Hip-Hop with high heels. I’ve never seen a heels dance in an Orchesis show before and I’m very excited to bring a new genre to the stage,” said Colella.

Some is still left up to mystery however, to know more, you should see the show tonight. 

“For Solos, the presidents will each have one and choreograph it ourselves. I am keeping mine a secret until the first show,” said DiGrazia.