ILMEA provides great benefits for aspiring musicians

 High school music students throughout Illinois can audition from October through February to participate in the Illinois Music Education Association’s series of events, which includes District choir, orchestra, band and jazz concerts/festivals throughout the state.

Among AT’s selected musicians are Krishna Mistry, a junior who qualified for the senior Orchestra in Viola, Keegan Sampey, a junior who plays percussion and qualified for Senior Jazz Band III Jazz Vibes, Jake Santini, a senior who was selected twice for both Senior Orchestra in piccolo as well as Senior Jazz band III with his Alto saxophone, and Nathan Redmann, a junior participating in the Senior Chorus Bass II. These students have been invited to perform at the annual District festival and other events hosted by the ILMEA board. 

The Junior Concert Festival took place at Dundee Crown High School on Nov. 11 in Carpentersville. Redmann performed  with the District Chorus along with other musicians across the district. ILMEA prides itself on helping teachers develop professionally and students musically. 

Dating back to 1939, ILMEA has been helping musicians everywhere in the nine districts we have. “I think that ILMEA is a great opportunity to acquire professional music experience and to participate with talented peers,” says Redmmann, who was one of District 9 Chorus qualifiers. 

Although ILMEA can appear difficult and challenging, it prepares the best of our young musicians to grow into defined and refined musicians. This year AT has about 20-25 students auditions. The auditions consist of a video recording playing a selected piece of music.The top students are then selected to be part of a district band, choir, jazz ensemble, and orchestra, depending on the auditioned piece. 

Recordings can be submitted anytime from September until early December and depending on the audition a musician has tried out for, ILMEA will assign different events to participants, with varying towns in Illinois anywhere from Peoria to Downers Grove. 

The process of auditioning is very simplified which makes it accessible to all students. “The process of auditioning was pretty straightforward. We sent in a compiled youtube video singing sections of music as well as the solfege scale and triads, after that, we just waited to see if the judges liked our videos. There wasn’t any physical auditioning, which I’m sure made it convenient with how many applicants there are,” Redmann said.

Besides the great musical benefits of trying out for ILMEA, it can also help students earn scholarships and improve their chances at college. For students interested in a musical career, participating in ILMEA will handsomely help your applications. 

Mark Corey is the most experienced director at AT, as he has been working with Blazer musicians for about 29 years and has been a member of ILMEA for 14 years and has been organizing events, judging auditions, and helping out across the board :helping young teachers improve their teaching and general skills and making students ready for the next step in their musical career.

 “We are aimed to help teachers develop professionally and provide opportunities to students,” says Corey. AT Blazers are glad to have had Mr.Corey has been part of AT staff for so long. He is sadly retiring and this year will be his last year with AT as well as ILMEA. AT gives a big thanks to Corey and for all he has done to our music and art department.