Blazettes kickin’ it in 5 competitions for the first time in a decade

For the first time in 9 years, the Blazettes have entered competition season. The girls are currently working hard to practice for performances not only for competition but also Boy’s Basketball and soccer. The team will also be involved in other various events such as fundraisings. 

Melissa Morales, coach of the Blazettes, said, “Right now is our competition season along with halftime performances at Varsity Boys basketball games. Typically, we practice 3 days a week, but will practice 5 days the week leading up to a competition. We are competing at 5 IHSA / IDTA competitions in December and January.  Not only is the squad perfecting their competition routine, they choreograph different routines for all 10 halftime performances. In between practices, cheering on the Blazer basketball team and competing, Blazettes are busy with team bonding activities and fundraising events.”

After the end of the Football season, the Blazettes continue to perform at basketball games. 

“Performing for football is different from performing for basketball. For football we perform further away from the audience and we are performing on turf. This could make things tough at times, but we still love every minute of it. At basketball games, we are closer to the audience, but also performing on the floor. We also love this very much because it’s a different scenery and in a wag can be more exciting, as people are cheering us on,” told Domenica Dugo.

The differences in the setting of Basketball and Football do take some getting used to, however.

“It’s a different vibe performing on the main gym floor compared to the stadium. One of the biggest changes for our team is the difference between executing our kickline on grass compared to the hardwood floor,” Morales said.

Regardless, Basketball season has a lots to look forward to for the Blazettes.

“We are very excited to pack the place right now! This is our biggest performance of the basketball season, and I can’t wait,” said Dugo.

The Blazettes will be competing in five competitions this year. The first competition happened in October, and competitions will continue until the end of January. 

“For competitions, it consists of competing at different schools, against different teams every time. When we compete, we are there for almost the whole day. Sometimes we compete in the morning but stay at the school after that, to receive our results. It’s always a fun time even if we are staying at these competitions for such a long time because we all talk and have such a fun time being together,” told Dugo.

The team is ecstatic to be competing in this year’s competitions. 

“The year has been amazing. Our poms team has improved so much and the main thing I would like to highlight is our big performances in which I felt were very amazing were the homecoming performance, our all-kick line performance in football season, and our competition routine performance,” said Dugo. “These were our best ones and I am so proud of the team for working so hard!! I’m so proud of everyone adapting, especially when it comes to competition.” 

Overall this year has been great for the Blazettes. They have worked incredibly hard for competitions, and are continuing to bring pride to the Blazers.

“We have had many team successes since our season began in June.  From fundraising for new uniforms to earning 6th place at our first competition. However, I feel many successes cannot be measured with an award. I see successes at each practice, dress rehearsal, and performance,” said Morales. They’re taking risks, pushing themselves outside their comfort zone, performing in front of their peers, and creating new traditions. But most importantly They’ve become family. I see them build each other up and continually focus on a positive mindset. They’re amazing.”

Everyone involved is happy with how the Blazettes have been performing.

“I’m incredibly honored to coach our competition team. Each and every one of them are dedicated, hardworking dancers who give their all on and off the floor. They’re not only student athletes, but many of them are involved in other clubs and work part time jobs. They amaze me and I’m so proud,” said Morales.