AT slacking when it comes to enforcing COVID rules

One…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight…nine…I could keep going, but I really don’t want to. 

What are these numbers you might ask? That would be how many kids during a single passing period that I see not wearing their masks correctly. 

Like I said, the number is way higher than nine and I could keep going, but I don’t want to. 

We have a problem at our school regarding COVID-19 and no one seems to care enough. No one. 

That’s real comforting for half the school who’s out sick because of people who don’t care enough to wear them correctly or enforce the wearing of masks correctly. 

It’s nice to hear some teachers still actually telling kids to wear their masks right but what’s the point? What’s the point if they have to keep yelling at the same group of kids over and over again, even if they’re not going to do it? 

There needs to be some form of punishment. I mean, we’re in the middle of a public-health crisis. Some cutesy little, “Put your mask up!” shouldn’t fly. 

The amount of students who come to school who are sick/showing symptoms is upsetting. 

Students in other schools in other districts, even Indian Trail, are sent home if they are sick. Why can’t we do that here? 

I was planning on writing this piece anyway, but now that I have experienced COVID-19 firsthand, I think that it’s even more appropriate. 

I am quite sure that I contracted COVID-19 from good ‘ol AT. I know, I know, I can already hear people saying, “She could’ve gotten it anywhere!” 

Well, considering I sit next to someone in class who, two days before I began showing symptoms, was not wearing their mask correctly and sniffling the whole class period, it’s almost as if I know exactly who it was. 

The fact that I came back to school for THREE DAYS after Winter Break and I tested positive is something quite hilarious to me. It’s not that funny but it is. 

Like someone who, ya know, cares about the well-being of others, I stayed at home the minute I began feeling sick. 

I got tested the day after I started experiencing symptoms. Like every COVID testing spot, the place I went to was extremely backed up. Because of this, I didn’t end up getting my test results for six days. 

My major problem is that e-learning isn’t something made available to students UNLESS they test positive for COVID-19.

I stayed home for FIVE school days before getting my positive test results back. I missed that many days of class because the school didn’t have a positive test for me. 

At that point, there was no way you were going to catch me on a Zoom call. I was so done with everything that I just gave up and said to myself that I would deal with the repercussions of it when I got back to school the following week. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re at home sick, missing an amount of school that is significant enough to warrant the need to attend class over Zoom. If you don’t test positive, well, good luck to you making up all the work you missed. Guess that’s a personal problem. 

The disconnect that the current e-learning situation creates is something that is also a problem.

Zoom is distracting to students who are in-person learning. Having to listen to the teacher constantly asking, “Can you guys hear me?”, or, “Is this thing on?”, is taking away from the lesson at hand. 

I think what needs to happen is whoever is in charge should ponder that a month of e-learning until this current surge is over is better than keeping everyone in-person and having half of the school get sick. 

Just a little disclaimer, I’m sure many of my fellow peers and teachers believe that my positive diagnosis is creating a bias against the school but no, that would be wrong. I felt the exact same way before I tested positive and I feel the exact same now.