AT Hosts Annual College Fair

In an effort to assist students to prepare for their futures, the Addison Trail Guidance Department hosted a college fair in AT’s field house on Sept. 16 in order to expose the Blazers to numerous colleges.

Due to the pandemic, the last time the college fair occurred was two years ago. Fortunately, AT was able to hold their annual college fair following Covid guidelines. Students were required to wear masks and each station was properly spaced out from each other. 

Similar to previous years, students of all ages had the chance to meet with a college representative to further their knowledge of a particular school, major, or aspect of college life.

Blazers were able to peruse the field house during their lunch period, where many discovered the importance of attending the college fair, including freshmen. 

“It lets us know what colleges there are,” said Emilia Kazberuk, an Addison Trail freshman. “It gives you a head start so you can see what you want to do in life.”

While the college fair may be geared more toward upperclassmen, there is still a large benefit of underclassmen attending. 

“…it gives the freshman an idea of all of the opportunities that are out there,” said Mr. Kevin Redding, AT Guidance Department Chairperson. “Just learning about them (the colleges) and taking it a step further by going to their website, asking their parents to take them to the school, or hearing about a tour that we are going to offer for them [is very beneficial for their future plans].”

It is important for students to get an understanding of what their future may entail because it will prepare them for success. The earlier a student acknowledges a higher education, the more time they will have to narrow down their options and choose the best path for them.