Blazers in search of activities enjoy fair

During the Activity Fair that was held on Aug. 24, students gathered in the commons to see all the different clubs and sports available for them to join. Staff and student club members worked at their tables to spread information about their respective clubs.

Students gather at various activity booths during the Activity Fair. The Activity Fair took place on Aug. 24th. Photo by Abby Zimmerman

Edhem Planincic worked at the Activity Fair during 5th period for the yearbook club.
“I decided to work the activity fair because I wanted to be more involved with the school; So many freshmen across the school are still learning about the extracurriculars AT has, so I wanted to sway them in yearbook’s favor,” remarked Edhem Planincic.

During every period it started off slow, but as it went on more people entered the commons.
“The highlight of the event was for sure the energy. The more people that entered the commons, the more energy flew through the room. Of course, I can’t forget my fellow staff members, Julia Rusiecki and Abigail Aguilera, for making the moment a blast. It wouldn’t have been a fun time without them,” Planincic said.

Besides everything that went great with the event, there were some typical high school lows to the event.
“I don’t think that there were many things that were bad about the event. Just the occasional awkward moments where you advertise a club and someone walks away while you’re speaking,” mentioned Planincic.

With all the club opportunities that AT has to offer, it is hard for there to not be a club of your interest. From academics to sports, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Everyone seemed to have a good time getting to walk around the commons and see their friends in the club booths promoting their clubs.

When talking to different students they all had nice things to say about the event. “It was fun. So much fun,” said Bartek Kucharzak in relation to the Activity Fair.

Teachers also seemed to have a lot of fun getting to see their students and advertise their clubs.
“It’s always fun to interact with the student body outside of the classroom environment,” expressed staff member Brendan Lyons. “The highlight was being able to talk with students about the clubs we offer. We offer a wide range of clubs that are both informational & competitive. Every club is different, just like every student is different. Providing an opportunity for students to join a club that sparks their interest is what makes the Activity Fair great.” said Lyons.

The Activity Fair led to many students deciding to join various clubs. “Every club had at least 5-10 new students’ express interest in joining,” said Lyons.

Other clubs have more difficulty and take more work to join, however. Such as the Yearbook club, which includes a class period.
“Well, joining publications is definitely different than joining any other club. Since publication is also a class period, we couldn’t get people to join the club right away. I believe that we have inspired people to join yearbook for next year, however. On a side note, we heavily promoted our Instagram and got 20 people to follow us in my lunch period alone!” said Planincic.

Overall the event went great and is an example of the greatness of what AT has to offer.