Blazer girls soccer nets big wins against Maine East, Oak Lawn

The Girls Soccer season has officially begun. While the action is just beginning, the team is looking promising.

The team won against Oak Lawn and Ridgewood 7-0. The team also won against Maine East 7-1. Players give high regard to the upcoming season due to the already great experience of playing.

A senior player, Ingrid Balbuena, said, “So far the season is going great! We have our season opener on March 14 at home. The girls have put in so much work and shown what they’re capable of at practice.” 

A great group of athletes is taking the field, and friendships and bonds are bound to blossom. 

“The team bonding is definitely something I’m looking forward to. At the end of the day we’re a team and having a great bond between each other helps in and outside the field,” said Balbuena.

Although the present atmosphere of the team is already prospering, there is much more to come in the future of the Girls Soccer team.

“We’re hoping to win most of our conference games, like I said before we have a great group of girls who have shown character and have put in the work, but also enjoy the journey,” said Balbuena

Besides the goals of the majority, there are individual players with their own set of personal goals for this season. Personal goals are a great way to drive the team as a whole to seek out perfection.

“My goal for this year is to score more goals than I did last year. As well as get better and ready for college soccer,” said Luz Hernandez.

There are many seniors in Girl’s Soccer this year such as Balbuena and Hernandez. As well, there are various changes to the lineup compared to previous years. 

“Something that is different from previous years is that I am a senior and I am playing with a completely new team from what I started with,” said Hernandez.

All of the players seem to be excited to start out this new season, especially those who will be graduating from AT this spring. Hernandez explained that while this would be her last year competing in soccer here at AT, she is very glad that this year she is being accompanied by her sister through the process. Hernandez explained that it was indeed her favorite part of this season entirely. 

“I’m playing for my last year. I’m really excited because I get to play my last year with my sister,” said Hernandez.

With an environment of teamwork and sportsmanship, the Girls Soccer team is bound to flourish throughout the length of their season. Collaborating with other talented players the team will likely be proficient in their effort towards completing the team’s goals, such as winning in their conference games.

“I would say this year’s team is one of the strongest we’ve had in a couple of years, especially from our underclassmen, there’s so much talent between them, and every single one of them has a unique gift when touching the ball,” said Balbuena.

However, AT will have to wait and see how this season will play out, but the team is full of promise and the prospects look high.