AT’s Variety Show Goes Virtual

This year has certainly been very different for everyone, with many changes being made to the school year.

Many of AT’s shows have been brought to life virtually rather than in person, including  AT Theatre’s Variety Show. The Variety Show is an event that showcases some of AT’s talented students and staff. 

The show’s acts included musical performances, dancing, singing and more. It took place virtually through a link that was shared with all students, with each act going on one after another. 

The show even incorporated some of the members of Theatre, who acted as hosts that would occasionally pop in and make comments about the performances, and joke around just like they would in a live, in-person environment. 

The Variety Show opened with hosts Gerardo Alvidrez, Grace Mendoza, and Fernando Padua III introducing the show, followed by the performances of the students and staff. In addition, Elizabeth Bernar, Samantha Zaremba, Antonio Bruno, Megan Sowa, and Jaqueline Tecuanhuehue also commented on the performances. 

Each of the acts were all very vibrant, and different from one another. It even included a rock-climbing demonstration by Mrs. Phillips. 

The show transitioned smoothly without any major difficulties, which was quite impressive considering the fact that one major factor that comes with holding anything online is the technical difficulties. 

“We have a new streaming service in order to go back and forth between zoom calls and pre-recorded videos that is pretty difficult to work,” Bernar said.

“But, one of our co-presidents, Gabby Mendoza, took the time to learn how to use it, and that’s how we were able to do a live show.”  

It took a lot of work and determination to put the show together, and extra effort to make it available to everyone. 

“We sent out a google form on the AT website as well as our website where anyone could submit a video of their talent.” Alvidrez said. 

 “After receiving all the videos, we uploaded them into our streaming software called OBS which then live streamed to our Youtube channel. The Theatre Board came up with a script that related to the talents and rehearsed over zoom the day before as well as two hours before the show.” 

Clearly a lot of rehearsal time was required to make this show run as fantastically as it did, and AT Theatre worked tremendously well to make the show as best as it possibly could considering the changes that had to be made due to COVID-19. 

In addition to this, the Variety show was also a great way for students and staff to let loose and have some fun in sharing some of their favorite pastimes with everyone watching.

Not only did the performers have a great time, but the hosts were also able to joke around with one another and have fun running the show.

“I really enjoyed hosting and making a fool out of myself but I also love seeing all the amazing talents AT students and staff have to offer,” Alvidrez said. 

“It was great seeing people participate and make the most out of the pandemic situation.”

The variety show was a great success and did a fantastic job in showcasing AT’s talent safely.